Tailored EQ Support
7Level7energy offers a full range of Emotional Intelligence services in the capacity of a personalised wellbeing consultant, tailored to support the needs of you and your team.
The EQ assessment tool can also be used to screen candidates for managerial, departmental and leadership roles. With social and emotional competencies being so critical to managerial success, you can select leaders that possess the “key skills” - enabling long-term engagement with the business and ultimately delivering greater ROI, reducing team turn-over and its associated costs.
The 1-2-1 EQ coaching program provides individuals with a personalised set of results on their levels of emotional intelligence across eight competencies. Charlotte works with each of your team members personally and confidentially. Feedback is given in a process framework for action, equipping individuals with a highly personalised tool kit to grow and balance their emotional intelligence.
A variety of eight one-hour workshops are available to bolster emotional health and mental wellbeing, offering a powerful avenue for teams to connect and grow. Delivered in person or virtually, using compelling content, these sessions have proven to be impactful and transformative.
Personalised workshops to meet your business needs can also be designed and facilitated by Charlotte, as your wellbeing consultant. She collaborates closely with leaders to define clear and measurable objectives, ensuring that training initiatives yield tangible results across financial, customer and personnel metrics.
Whatever initiatives you choose for your wellbeing consultancy support, we can measure their impact across a range of success factors including effectiveness, connection and quality for every team member.
Strategic Hiring
Incorporating EQ assessments into recruitment strategies enhances the identification of candidates with crucial social and emotional competencies, vital for managerial success.
Learnable Tools and Insights
The difference with this EQ assessment tool is it delivers the feedback sharing in a process framework for action, equipping people with a highly personalised tool kit to grow and balance their emotional intelligence.
Tailored Content Development
Charlotte excels in tailoring content to fit your organization's values, empowering individuals to create impactful workplace experiences.
Measurable Impact
Charlotte closely collaborates with business leaders and teams to set clear, measurable objectives, ensuring consultancy support delivers tangible results across various metrics, driving meaningful outcomes for clients.